Where It Began

I grew up in Southern California within a vibrant refugee community. My family lost everything and had to rebuild their lives in the United States. Yet, even amidst our resilience, something felt incomplete. As a sensitive child, I was constantly observing the world around me, always feeling like I didn’t quite belong. I built a hard shell to protect myself from the fear that others would discover something wrong with me—something I couldn’t fully understand myself.

When I felt ready to excavate my true self, I moved to New York City for college. There, I immersed myself in community organizing, working with public defenders, political reporters, and sexual health organizations in Thailand. Along the way, I made the life-changing decision to undergo a gender transition.

As I journeyed along this path, I realized that I had always belonged. It was society that made me believe otherwise. In fact, my path away from home, far from what I once knew, ultimately led me back to the essence of who I was at five years old: deeply connected to everything and limitless in who I could be.

I believe that this infinity lives within every person. My purpose is to help us reconnect with that vastness by reminding us of the childlike wonder and boundlessness we all carry within.

Transcending Boundaries for Trans Liberation

My work in the transgender space is driven by a deep commitment to shifting culture and policy. I have led national campaigns that center trans liberation, crafting powerful narratives that transform lives and spur important conversations. From organizing on-the-ground movements to speaking at institutions like Harvard and Stanford, my work champions the fluidity and expansiveness of trans identities, always pushing us to recognize the evolution and adaptability of trans communities. I most recently have helmed digital media at Transgender Law Center to tell groundbreaking stories that change policy and culture, so all people can live as our authentic selves.

The Refugee as the Emblem of Resilience

In parallel with my advocacy for trans rights, I am deeply committed to refugee and immigrant justice. I view refugees as the embodiment of resilience, often victims of war and environmental degradation but also key to shaping solutions. I have helped lead national campaigns to address the deportations of Southeast Asian war refugees, and helping highlight the intersection of refugee rights and climate justice.

A Vision of Limitlessness

Rooted in nature, I approach every project as a way to help us remember just how vast and wild we really are. My work, whether through poetry, filmmaking, or hands-on community organizing, pushes us to see beyond the surface, into the infinite possibilities of transformation and growth. I am carving paths toward a future where we are as limitless as we dare to remember.